End of Summer Picnic

J.B.Williams Park in Glastonbury
September 18, 2022 (SUN)

Address: 705 Neipsic Rd, Glastonbury CT 06033
Time: 11am ~ 3pm (rain or shine)
Fee: Members : $10
Non-members : $15
Children 12yrs old and under : Free!
Food: Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Yaki-onigiri, Yakisoba, Bura-jiru,
bottled water, etc will be provided.
Feel free to bring a dish to share.
Activities: Taiko Experience, Obon-dance, Radio-Taiso, Soap bubbles,
Volleyball, badminton, Wanage. Welcome to bring yours.
Tag Sale: We are selling books, kitchen goods, home goods, etc.
*Please RSVP by September 11, by any of the following methods. *Then send payment
by Paypal, a check or cash at the Park.
(1) Fill out the online form, https://forms.gle/5C2DdhsSFP13PBT56 and pay with
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/JSGH
(2) Send this RSVP form and a check, payable to JSGH.
Mail to Mitsuko Yoo, 372 Forest Lane, Glastonbury, CT 06033. or
(3) RSVP by email contact@jsofgh.org or (4) Call (860) 649-0251 at Sachiko Hongoh.