講演会のお知らせ 今から見直す生活習慣 日米の体調管理の違いとアメリカで受けられる人間ドック なぜ健康診断が大事なのか? 生活習慣の改善は、一次予防といわれる健康づくり・健康増進・発病予防につながります。定期健診を受ける事によって、二次予防といわれる病気の早期発見や早期治療および、三次予防といわれる疾病の治療や重度化への予防が可能となります。今年まだ受診されていない方はこの機会に受診しませんか。 ■日時 4月6日 ■会場 Riverfront Community Center, 300 Welles St. Glastonbury CT (860) 652-4640 ■参加費 無料 参加ご希望の方、下記にご連絡下さい。 mashongoh@hotmail.com | 860-649-0251 ■講演内容 1、米国での体調管理と人間ドック 2、米国の一般的な健康診断 3、米国駐在員の人間ドック事情 4、Japanese Medical Careはどんな医療機関? 5、人間ドックのパッケージ及び費用 Japanese Medical careはニューヨークに二か所ある日本人向けの医療機関であり、日本医師による診察、豊富な各種専門医が在籍しており、日本式健康診断や人間ドックに注力しております。人間ドックに関するお問い合わせは下記までご連絡下さい。 Tel: 212-365-5066 | Email: inquiry@jmedical.com >>Read More...
Tag: Event
Diplomat Reception 2019 – CTWAC
Over 20 nations will be represented. Be in the room for Connecticut’s premier global event. Join us on the red carpet to welcome diplomats from around the world to our state. Network, make exclusive business contacts and meet a new global connection at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. Enjoy food and drink while mingling with the diplomats from the greater Connecticut region, and featuring a silent auction with gifts and exclusive opportunities from Connecticut >>Read More...
Cruising With The Commodore
The Japan Society of Fairfield County (JSFC) is sponsoring a talk by Vernon Beck, Vice-President of JSFC at the Cos Cob Library at 5 Sinawoy Rd, Cos Cob, CT 06807. His presentation, Cruising with the Commodore, will start at 2 PM on Saturday, March 30, and will end with a question and answer period. The talk is based on the artwork included in the official report of Commodore Perry’s expedition to open Japan in the >>Read More...
TOBE! Uta Sanshin in NY
Japan’s Living National Treasure Choichi Terukina brings Okinawa to America in “3 Strings” Concert, April, 18, 7:30 PM Zankel Hall Presented by Ryukyu Koten Afuso Ryu Ongaku Kenkyuu Choichi Kai USA Thursday, April 18, 2019 7:30 PM Zankel Hall Afuso Ryu Choichi Kai presents Choichi Terukina, grand master of uta-sanshin (singing and playing a three-string lute) and National Living Treasure of Japan. Marking his 88th birthday, Terukina will be joined by master musicians from Asia-Pacific. >>Read More...
Young Refugee Women Their Stories
THE GLASTONBURY MLK COMMUNITY INITIATIVE AND INTEGRATED REFUGEE IMMIGRANT SERVICES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION! March 10, 2019 2:00 – 4:30 PM Glastonbury Riverfront Community Center 300 Welles Road, Glastonbury The Glastonbury Martin Luther King Community Initiative (GMLKCI) and Integrated Refugee Immigrant Services (IRIS) will host a Community Conversation on Sunday, March 10, 2019, at the Glastonbury Riverfront Community Center. There will be a free reception at 2:00 p.m. featuring Middle Eastern food. >>Read More...