映画ナイトに来ませんか~ Saturday, November 9th, 4:00pm ~ 7:00 pm, Hongoh’s Residence We have 12 more seats left (for the 25 max capacity) for this weekend potluck movie night, “Godzilla Minus One.” Kindly email us, contact@jsofgh.org to join >>Read More...
JSGH Fall Picnic・秋のピクニック
Sunday, September 15th, 12:00 ~ 3 pm Glastonbury, CT To join, please either (A) mail attached form & payment or (B) email attendees info to contact@jsofgh.org & pay by PalPal, by 9/7/2024. If you wish to volunteer (grilling burgers/cashier for Tag Sale/kitchen assistant/games), please let us know!! Arigato!! >>Read More...
Summer Festival
Sunday, June 9 Noon-5 p.m. Save the date for a fun afternoon at Blue Back Square, West Hartford, CT. If you wish to perform (from 10 to 20 minutes), or volunteer for the festival, please email contact@jsgh.org. >>Read More...
Ohanami Potluck
This Sunday on April 21st starting at 11AM, we will be hosting our fourth annual Ohanami Potluck Picnic at the Goldfish Pond at Gillette Castle State Park. Come join us for a great day of springtime food and fun as we watch the Cherry Blossom trees bloom! Be sure to bring your own chairs and blankets to relax on and enjoy the day. See everyone there! >>Read More...
Spring Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Festival
Central Connecticut State University will be holding our annual Spring Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Festival on Tuesday April 23rd from 12:00-4:00pm. The Japanese Program in the department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at has heard that the JSGH will also be present at the Festival. Click here to see more info! >>Read More...