Japanese Language School of Greater Hartford is Accepting New Students

​West Hartfordにある日本語補習校では、生徒、講師を募集し​ております。​ご興味のある方は、代表メールにお問い合わせください。 info@jlshartford.org 生 徒: 幼児部 年中・年長 小 学 部 小学1年生 ~ 小学6年生 中 学 部 中学1年生 ~ 中学3年生 講 師: 代講講師: ​​幼稚部: 2名 小学部: 4年生の算数 1名 〈条 件〉 就労ビザをお持ちの方。(お持ちでないボランティアの方も大歓迎です。) 小学校、中学校の国語、算数/数学を土曜日に教えられる方。授業時間は9:00~12:00です。(国語2時間算数1時間) 教育指導に興味があり、責任感のある方。 ※教員免許は必ずしも必要ではありません。 ご興味のある方は、代表メールにお問い合わせください。i​nfo@jlshartford.org 日本語を第二言語としたいわゆるJSL(Japanese as a Second Language)のクラスは、現在募集し ておりません。 Our classes are taught in Japanese based on Japanese school curriculum. All students are required to have a basic understanding of Japanese language. We don’t offer JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) classes at this moment. >>Read More...

JSGH Newsletter – Feb 2021

February 2021 Issue: February 2, 2021 Message from the President Hello JSGH Members and Friends, I hope this message finds you all well despite the recent snow and cold.  This New Year 2021, just like 2020, promises to be a year of firsts.  But unlike last year, where most of us had our first Zoom call, went to the store wearing a mask for the first time, or had our first holiday away from family, >>Read More...

Apply Now! JSGH Japanese Language Class

Japan Society of Greater Hartford’s Japanese language class for beginners is accepting the applications now. Please read the detail on our Japanese Course page, and fill out the application form. This online course is designed for high school students and adults with no prior exposures to Japanese language. (If you are looking for higher level Japanese course, please contact us.) In this course, you will learn: How to read and write Hiragana Give greetings Use >>Read More...

Winter in Japan Presentation for Wadsworth Atheneum

We had an opportunity to participate in Wadsworth Atheneum’s December Second Saturday event with a “Winter in Japan” presentation. Mai Vestergaard did a great job narrating the video for us. Click a link below to enjoy our presentation as well as other kids friendly fun videos. https://www.thewadsworth.org/event/second-saturdays-for-families-winter-wonderland/  >>Read More...