Japanese Cooking Show with Whittemore Library

Japan Society of Greater Hartford provided the Japanese Cooking Show with Whittemore Library on May 19th, which went better than we expected! Via online, we showed some of the Japanese favorite food including Tamago-yaki, Onigiri-, and Miso-soup. We appreciated Whittemore Library for providing this opportunity for us to demonstrate Japanese culture through Japanese meal. >>Read More...

JSGH Newsletter – May 2021

May 2021 Issue: May 8, 2021 Message from the President Hello JSGH Members and Friends, I hope that this newsletter all finds you well.  As Spring takes a firm hold, Connecticut is taking some  momentous steps towards a post-COVID State.  Vaccines are now readily available, and in-person gatherings are becoming more and more common.  We had our first in-person gathering of 2021 last month, and it was excellent to see everyone!  We will likely have >>Read More...

Hanami Picnic 2021 Photos

Thanks to many members who came to the Hanami Picnic at the Gillette Castle State Park. The weather was nice, and the cherry blossoms were beautiful. We hope that the cherry trees we planted there will provide the joy to all visitors for years to come. Here are some photos from the picnic. >>Read More...

JSGH Newsletter – April 2021

April 2021 Issue: April 2, 2021 Message from the President Dear JSGH Members and Friends, Spring has sprung, and I hope that you’ve all been able to get outside and enjoy some of the nice weather we’ve been having.  And although there has been a recent increase in COVID-19 in the state, with the wide availability of the vaccine, if we work to avoid another surge now, we all have good reasons to be cautiously >>Read More...

JSGH Hanami Picnic 2021

We’re very excited to be able to invite you to the first annual JSGH Hanami Picnic!  With the new cherry trees at Gillette Castle, we sincerely hope you’ll join us for an afternoon at Gillette Castle State Park to enjoy the cherry blossoms, and celebrate the end of winter with our first in-person event of 2021! What : JSGH Hanami Picnic 2021 When : 11 am, April 18th (Sunday) Where : Goldfish Pond at Gillette Castle >>Read More...