New Year Rakugo Hour with Tozabro Yanagiya III – 新年落語会

Japan Society of Greater Hartford would like to invite you to this special occasion to listen to Japanese professional Rakugo-ka, Tozaburo Yanagiya’s live online Zoom presentation. Space is limited. Reserve your virtual seat today! (We will provide the login info a week before the event.)

Date: January 9, 2021 from 4 pm to 5 pm ET
Contents: (in English)

  • Understanding Rakugo’s movements using the fan and hand towel
  • What’s left/right?
  • Rakugo Performance
  • Questions from the audience

Reservation/お申し込み: (1 per household)

柳家東三楼氏の落語を生で、ご自宅からオンライン (Zoom) で楽しめる素晴らしい機会です。是非ご参加ください。無料ですがログイン数に限りがありますので、お早めにお申し込みください。

Note: This is a zoom event. You must provide your name and email address to register. The login information will be sent to the email address a week prior to the event.)

Tozaburo “Zabu” Yanagiya III is a world renowned Rakugo storyteller residing in New York. Since 2014, he has been given the status of “Shin-uchi”, otherwise known as the highest rank in the traditional Japanese Comedy. Since 2018, Zabu has been actively performing in the United States, with over 30 shows within schools, community centers and retirement homes. These opportunities affected him to permanently relocate to the US in July of 2019. Unfortunately with COVID-19 in the way, his ongoing project of performing in all 50 states is currently in a hiatus. However, that doesn’t stop his mission to make people all over the world smile through Rakugo. Please join Zabu for an online performance of Rakugo to enlighten your day.

Rakugo is a traditional verbal art originating from Japan. The Rakugo-ka, or Rakugo storyteller sits down and depicts a comical story only using their voice, minimal gesture, and two props: “Sensu” (a fan) and “Tenugui” (a hand towel). Because of the very limited visual elements, Rakugo is enjoyed using Rakugo- ka’s verbal technique and the listeners’ imagination.

1976年東京生まれ。1999年5月 3代目柳家権太楼に入門し、2002年5月、2014年3月真打昇進。3代目柳家東三楼を襲名した。同時に東亜大学芸術学部客員准教授に着任。2016年文化庁芸術祭新人賞受賞。その年の10月、演劇集団柳家東三楼一座旗揚げ 脚本・演出・主宰。この頃から落語をアートとして捉えるように。2018年2月〜2019年2月には、アメリカの各学校、老人施設、総領事館等で、英語、日本語で38公演を実施。この公演を通して自身の使命は落語をRAKUGOとして世界に広めることと一念決意。2019年7月アメリカO-1アーティストビザ取得後NYに移り住み、全米50州のツアーを計画。コロナ下一旦断念せざるを得ない状況になったものの、こんな時だからこそ、みなさんに笑顔になってほしい!と、今回の企画に至りました。みなさんに参加して頂き「RAKUGO」を楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。




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If you’d like to know more about Tozaburo, please click here: