JSGH June BBQ – Summer Fun 2021

We’re happy to invite you to the JSGH June BBQ Picnic!  We sincerely hope you’ll join us for an afternoon of food in the great outdoors.  See some friends, speak some Japanese, and have some fun!  For details, see below: What  JSGH June BBQ 2021 When  11 am, Sunday June 27th 2021 Where Peter’s Yard 914 Worthington Ridge, Berlin CT 06037 Cost $5 for Members $10 for Non-members Kids under 13 years-old Free!!! How  JSGH will >>Read More...

Movie Night at Japan Society of Greater Hartford

Join us for a screening of Hayao Miyazaki’s seminal early film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (風の谷のナウシカ, 1984), streaming live on Zoom.  The film is perhaps Miyazaki’s most definitive work, and established many themes that run throughout the rest of his films: the futility of conflict, the perils of environmental degradation, and the resilience of hope even in the worst of times. If you’d like to join us for the movie night, please >>Read More...

Japanese Language School of Greater Hartford is Accepting New Students

​West Hartfordにある日本語補習校では、生徒、講師を募集し​ております。​ご興味のある方は、代表メールにお問い合わせください。 info@jlshartford.org 生 徒: 幼児部 年中・年長 小 学 部 小学1年生 ~ 小学6年生 中 学 部 中学1年生 ~ 中学3年生 講 師: 代講講師: ​​幼稚部: 2名 小学部: 4年生の算数 1名 〈条 件〉 就労ビザをお持ちの方。(お持ちでないボランティアの方も大歓迎です。) 小学校、中学校の国語、算数/数学を土曜日に教えられる方。授業時間は9:00~12:00です。(国語2時間算数1時間) 教育指導に興味があり、責任感のある方。 ※教員免許は必ずしも必要ではありません。 ご興味のある方は、代表メールにお問い合わせください。i​nfo@jlshartford.org 日本語を第二言語としたいわゆるJSL(Japanese as a Second Language)のクラスは、現在募集し ておりません。 Our classes are taught in Japanese based on Japanese school curriculum. All students are required to have a basic understanding of Japanese language. We don’t offer JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) classes at this moment. >>Read More...

2021 JSGH Membership and Sponsorship Information

We have updated our membership and corporate sponsorship information for 2021. Please download the form from the membership pages, and stay connected. While many of our normal activities have been shifted to online, we are staying very active. We are kicking off 2021 with Rakugo Hour by a professional Rakugo-ka, Yanagiya Tozaburo. We appreciate for your support!   >>Read More...